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Education vision

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Warm Gyeongbuk Education Strengthening the Power of Life


  • Power of Life : “Power of Life” is the capability of becoming the master of one’s life to take on challenges actively in the period of changes to realize the dream, and to contribute to social development.
  • Warmth : “Warmth” is being responsible for the happy lives of children through caring and consideration like a mother who never gives up on her child.
  • Gyeongbuk Education : To enable all children to grow the strength to live their future, Gyeongbuk education emphasizes the process rather than the results and pursues the education of waiting instead of pushing.


Exciting Classroom, Interacting School through Communication, Opening the Future Together

  • Exciting Classroom : Students must be happy and cheerful inside the classroom. The Gyeongsangbuk-do Office of Education will develop the future capabilities of the students by enabling them to learn with joy inside the exciting classroom.
  • Interacting School through Communication : Members of the school must interact and communicate with each other. The Gyeongsangbuk-do Office of Education will guarantee democratic participation to foster a school culture of interaction and communication.
  • Opening the Future Together : We must open the future of Gyeongbuk Education together. The Gyeongsangbuk-do Office of Education will develop future talents through cooperation with the educational community and local society.